
Monday, May 30, 2005

Well, I have finally overcome the trauma that is ringside seats to a high speed car chase. I am now on to bigger and better things, namely, finding a tree with my coworker that has fruit on it that resembles blackberries, eating them, and then going back to work and researching to see if they were poisonness. I am glad to say that we found out that they were not. See, I am still living now and there have been no shits or vomits to speak of. Anyway, they are Mulberry's. Red Mulberrys to be exact. And they are pretty tastey, not at all like blackberries (which are tastey in their own way).

Thursday, I will away to San Francisco. I am quite excited. I will visit my cousin while there and may see other fantastic things such as:

penguins getting fed
a fabulus ribbon and button store
the I. W. G. gallery
American Apparel store (who make the best t-shirts EVER)
and what ever else comes my way.

So, while I am in San Francisco, my boss will be shitting his pants because there are things that need to be done in the lab and I will not be there to do them. But just 4 weeks ago, he said that June would be a perfect time to go out of town because he would not be there that much. I guess that he forgot all about that. Any way, I just hope that the world will go on in my absence.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

WOW. Tonight, as I was taking stuff out of my car, there was a high speed car chase. There was a car zooming down the street that goes by my house (not the one I was standing in thank goodness) and as it went up the hill it bottomed out and sparks were flying. Then there was a cop chasing him and he bottomed out too and then another cop car followed. And then I heard squealing tires and then he came down the next street and then turned down my street (but not towards me) and the cops followed (but further away) and we (me and some neighbor lady) pointed the cop as to where the guy was going. It was CRAZY. And this is all the real honest truth. I wish I knew was the chase was all about.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Well blog, this weekend was a doozey. I had a family luncheon. Got hooded (or should it be Hooded? I mean it is a formal ceremony, maybe it should be capitalized for formality's sake). Assembled a grill that said it only took 15 minutes, only, that was a lie and it took more like an hour and a half to two hours. Cleaned like a madman (or madwoman if you will). Used my grill. Partied. Saw a frog pinata impaled with a wooden sword and then saw it bashed open with a broom. Ate candy birthed from a pinata. Slept.

In the future, somewhere out there, I am going to have another party. This time thought, it will be a keg party featuring a keg of beer brewed by yours truly. I will have to do some investigating as to when the best time to brew a keg of beer is and then I will have to figure out how to do it. So, this is something that is totally off in the distant future. But I figure that if I tell people about it, even complete strangers, that I will be more prone to actually doing something about it. So there it is. Out there somewhere. A keg party. (Those last three sentences see like they would make a good haiku. Let's see:

So there It is
out there somewhere
a Keg party

what do you think?)

And now, I have digressed and procrastinated enough. I have to buy a cover for my grill. It gets cold at night and sometimes it is a bit drafty. I would hate for it to catch cold.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

So, I graduated today. Or really, I did not graduate, that is not until Monday (and I will not be using my few precious vacation day for that shit) but I did get hooded. My gown was all strange like. It had these wierd arm thingeys that hung down. And my hood has it too. It is quite strange. You will have to see it. And the whole thing was over so fast. It was like I was waiting and waiting and then they called the MS people I walked down the aisle (being that I was first alphabetically), they called my name and then I was up on stage and then it was over with. I did not even get to savor the moment. It was all a blur. That is why people need a VCR. To remember things like that and so they can appreciate it later on.

And, I have just been assembling the grill from hell. It said that it only takes 15 minutes, but we have been at it for just over an hour, and it is stil not done. But it is done for tonight. Tomorrow will be another day.


Friday, May 13, 2005

I thought that all of you might be wondering how I got to be so rich. I mean, I am going to have a party with a pinata and candy. I mean, that just does not happen every day. So, here is a listing of the companies that I own. (Yeah, I just do this science job as a hobby.)


I even own a town.

Hear Ye, Here Ye. I am officially famous. This web site tells it all. Oh, and if you are still not convinced, check this out. Still don't believe me? Well look at the strategic placement of my blog link on this prominent website. See, I think you should all kiss my feet now. Yes, that includes you too.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Today, a plethora of wonderful things happened to me. I will make a list (damn, I love lists).

1- My boss was not at work today. Nor will he be there tomorrow.
2- My Mom called to say she found the grill of my dreams and will be bringing it to Winston this weekend where I will get it.
3- I got a sewing machine. And not just any sewing machine, a Bernina. For those of you not in the know, it is like the BMW of sewing machines. I love it. I am going to sew with it. Starting tomorrow.
4- I found got someone to pick up my graduation gown for me today. Hell yes, I am graduating this weekend. School is history and that really excites me.
5- Thanks to Christy, I decided that I will be having a pinata this weekend. And it will have candy in it. And we will break it open and then eat the candy.
6- I got a pitcher to put sangria in.
7- My sewing machine was on sale, this week only. Now I have extra money to spend on sewing accoutrements.
8- I got a guacamole taco at Armadillo Grill and they really piled on the guacamole. It was the best one ever to enter my mouth.

So, as you can all see, I had a kick ass day. And it will all end quite splendidly by me getting to go to sleep in my bed and not have to wake up until tomorrow at anytime that I choose. Life just doesn't get any better that this.


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