Sunday, May 22, 2005
WOW. Tonight, as I was taking stuff out of my car, there was a high speed car chase. There was a car zooming down the street that goes by my house (not the one I was standing in thank goodness) and as it went up the hill it bottomed out and sparks were flying. Then there was a cop chasing him and he bottomed out too and then another cop car followed. And then I heard squealing tires and then he came down the next street and then turned down my street (but not towards me) and the cops followed (but further away) and we (me and some neighbor lady) pointed the cop as to where the guy was going. It was CRAZY. And this is all the real honest truth. I wish I knew was the chase was all about.
I hope your O.K.
By 5:44 PM
, atha, of course you're ok. *kind of looks around uncomfortably*
By 11:15 PM
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