
Monday, May 16, 2005

Well blog, this weekend was a doozey. I had a family luncheon. Got hooded (or should it be Hooded? I mean it is a formal ceremony, maybe it should be capitalized for formality's sake). Assembled a grill that said it only took 15 minutes, only, that was a lie and it took more like an hour and a half to two hours. Cleaned like a madman (or madwoman if you will). Used my grill. Partied. Saw a frog pinata impaled with a wooden sword and then saw it bashed open with a broom. Ate candy birthed from a pinata. Slept.

In the future, somewhere out there, I am going to have another party. This time thought, it will be a keg party featuring a keg of beer brewed by yours truly. I will have to do some investigating as to when the best time to brew a keg of beer is and then I will have to figure out how to do it. So, this is something that is totally off in the distant future. But I figure that if I tell people about it, even complete strangers, that I will be more prone to actually doing something about it. So there it is. Out there somewhere. A keg party. (Those last three sentences see like they would make a good haiku. Let's see:

So there It is
out there somewhere
a Keg party

what do you think?)

And now, I have digressed and procrastinated enough. I have to buy a cover for my grill. It gets cold at night and sometimes it is a bit drafty. I would hate for it to catch cold.



Pinatas kick ass. 'Specially frog ones...frog ones with frogs inside. And pencil grips.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:35 PM  

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