
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Today, a plethora of wonderful things happened to me. I will make a list (damn, I love lists).

1- My boss was not at work today. Nor will he be there tomorrow.
2- My Mom called to say she found the grill of my dreams and will be bringing it to Winston this weekend where I will get it.
3- I got a sewing machine. And not just any sewing machine, a Bernina. For those of you not in the know, it is like the BMW of sewing machines. I love it. I am going to sew with it. Starting tomorrow.
4- I found got someone to pick up my graduation gown for me today. Hell yes, I am graduating this weekend. School is history and that really excites me.
5- Thanks to Christy, I decided that I will be having a pinata this weekend. And it will have candy in it. And we will break it open and then eat the candy.
6- I got a pitcher to put sangria in.
7- My sewing machine was on sale, this week only. Now I have extra money to spend on sewing accoutrements.
8- I got a guacamole taco at Armadillo Grill and they really piled on the guacamole. It was the best one ever to enter my mouth.

So, as you can all see, I had a kick ass day. And it will all end quite splendidly by me getting to go to sleep in my bed and not have to wake up until tomorrow at anytime that I choose. Life just doesn't get any better that this.



Hi. Three things:

1. I love that you are now having a pinata and that you publicly thanked me for my suggestion. I love it when people publicly acknowledge me.

2. You used the word "accoutrements" in your post, and that is totally COOL.

3. I've decided that for the duration of the Mexican party, I would like to be referred to as "Christy Smithe" (pronounced sm-eye-th). It has nothing to do with Mexico or Mexican people, but it's fun to say and it makes me happy because I hate my last name.


Christy Smithe

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:31 AM  

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