
Monday, December 29, 2003

it is almost a new year, so i thought that i would reflect on all the things that i have done in the past year. kind of like a list of all the firsts that i have done over the past year. i went to new york city for the first time. I went to austin. i listened to a live blues show. i attended a spring semester of graduate school. i failed at a research project. i was successful at another research project. i discovered ready made magazine. i understand statistics (or at least mostly understand part of stats). i went to sarasota, fl and the number one beach in the country. i made indian food for the first time (but it was not really all that good)

ok, i am tired of thinking about the stuff that i did for the first time now. it is kind of hurting my brain, but as you can see, it really revolves around school and travel. so i am sure that you get the idea of what other kinds of things would go on that list.

i am at school today. i was supposed to meet my professor to work on my research project today, but he is not here. so i guess that we are not going to work on it after all. i am a bit dissappointed but i am also feeling like crap right now. so i have to say that i am a bit glad that we are not going to get together.

and now, i don't have anythying else to say, since i am dwelling on my infirmities and i am sure that you (if there is even a you out there) don't want to hear about it at all.


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

for christmas (and my family does christmas on the 23 so that we can be ready for the other part of the family on the 24th and the 25th) i got a tool kit. what is so great about a tool kit? (some of you may ask) but just sit back and listen to my story, and by the end you will get it.

well it started out like any other good christmas celebration should, with GOOD food...smoked chicken to be precise...and then following good food and alcohol (which so many of my friends don't see to understand how my parents can sit there and drink with me and my sister but in my opinion is just the way that life is in my household, so i can not answer that for them)...we got to open presents. well, this year, i pretty much knew what i was getting (i had a very specific christmas list, filled with links and everything to make their ordering process easy) but then there was this surprise, that i really wanted to open, but i was told no. you are not to open that yet. and this made me sad. because it was a surprise and i wanted to know what it was because the suspense of a surprise kills me. but like the obedient daughter that i am, i just waited and waited. and then finally, i only had two presents left. so i opened the big one (which was also a surprise, but i felt pretty confident that i knew what it was) and it was as i imagined but only better. a tool kit for me. now about the specifics, it is a power tool kit, with a drill, jig saw, rotary saw, router and a sander. it is really exciting. my very own tool kit to use and to make things with. now i will not have to depend on my dad's basement and good graces to make things. and then, with this present having been opened...i was finally able to see the other present, which was a box (in a round shape) of drill bits and screwdriver heads. and it was very exciting and very worth the wait. oh how i love my parents and how they care for me and get me the coolest things for christmas. much better than my sister's microwave is all that i can say.

Merry Christmas to you and may you have fun like i did.


Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Ok, i have a friend that is just learning to knit. and i thought that i would get her a knitting book for christmas. so that she will have something to knit other than a square (which is all that she knows how to do according to her.) So i spent about an hour at the book store last night looking at all the knitting books that they have. and the vast majority of them talk about either only sweaters, knitting for the advanced person, or knitting for your baby. None of which seemed all that great to me. so i narrowed it down to two books. both of them had excellent instructions on how to do everything that you could ever want to do with knitting. but one had great pattern and the other one taught you how to make your own patterns. not knowing for sure how adept she was, i wanted to get her one with the patterns already in it, but unfortunately the book was called the stitch n bitch (and she has three young kids that don't need to be exposed to that kind of language.) so utterly confused, i decided to call my ever knowledgable mom and ask her what i should do. and she said to get the one book but put stickers on it so that the offensive word would be covered up. but the wierdest thing is that instead of saying "bitch" she said "the B-word" which i thought was rather wierd because i have heard her say things like that several times. so i don't know what to think about that.

and, finally, i finished my christmas shopping. but then today on line i found one of the things that i bought last night for 2/3rds of the price. so i think that i am going to order it on line and then return the other one to the store. and that person will just have to get their present after christmas (and i am sure that they won't mind)


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

last night, i made baklava. it was really a lot of fun. and yummy too. but it is amazing how much fat is in that stuff. in a 14 by 18 pan full, we used 4.25 sticks of butter. and that is a lot. i was surprised about that. but then you have to coat every layer of phyllo dough with butter. it makes you wonder how the greeks managed to stay skinny. since you do spinakopita the same way. (also something that i know how to make thanks to my greek aunt.)

and if i had to pick a nationality of food to eat for the rest of my life and i could only eat that one. greek would definately be at the top of my list of regions to consider. but i would be really sad to have to give up the rest of my food loves. so thank god that i live in a free country where i can gorge myself to my hearts content. oh, and where our president is a cowboy (lucky us)


Wednesday, December 03, 2003

today is a sad day. it is cold out and there is no sunshine and I think that it might snow here tonigh or tomorrow. I don't like snow. because when it snows, it means that it is cold. and wet. and i hate walking in the cold and wet because it makes me cold and wet. so that is why i don't like the snow. I think that i am going to move to a place where it is never cold or snowey. like arizona or austin. but i don't know for sure. moving surely would be a scary thing because i would be so far away from home and family and friends.

yesterday i enjoyed something that i have never enjoyed in my life before. i cooked and ate broiled tomatoes. i decided that it was finally time for me to start like tomatoes and i have finally done it. 2 weeks ago i ate my first tomatoe soup and now i am eating broiled tomatoes. i am really proud of me. other culinary treats that i have made myself like in the recent months are cantaloup (although i only like it if it is not too watery) and sweet potatoes (but i only like the lighter kind of those for now) but i am really proud of myself. now i like almost ever food that there is to like (except cooked peas and mayonaise and boxed mac and cheese- but since these are not that good for me then it does not matter anyway)

so, that is the excitement that i am experiencing in my life. HOORAY for ME!!!

so, in my office, i have this stuffed sunshine, and it is smiling at me and that makes me happy. so i smiled back at the sunshine. here is a picture of a sunshine that you should look at. it is smiling at YOU!!!


Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ok, well, thanksgiving was great and i gave thanks by not grading any papers. but of course that bit me in the ass and now i am up to my ears in papers and my students were whining about not having their papers back today. and i feel sorry for them, but not sorry enough to grade papers. and i read the coolest thing yesterday. on the website: ratemyprofessors.com, someone took the time to write a lovely entry about me. (although someone forgot to tell them how to spell my name) and i LOVE it. i have copied the entry below so you all can see it. it truely is wonderful and i hope that you enjoy it emensely.

Bionazi!! Is intolerant of physical weakness & critical of people's lab attire.

oh, and i got a score of a 1 out of a possible 5. That is really great!! but seriously, i totally LOVE that someone took the time to write this about me. I always wondered if is struck a chord with any of my students (some people think that i can be rather abbrasive) and now i know. EXCITEMENT GALORE

and now, i guess that i am going to grade papers, since i told my students that i would have their papers to them tomorrow. and i don't want to have to lie to them again about "leaving them at home" or something like that.


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