
Monday, September 26, 2005

HOLY SHIT!! Today was one of the best days ever. I will give you a list of the reasons why (boy, do I ever love lists) so what are you waiting for? Read on.

1. I did not have to work today. And it is a Monday, and not a holiday Monday. YEAH (but I do have to work on Saturday, but that is WAY off in the future. I don't even have to worry about that. )

2. I had breakfast and dinner with my honey pie. Yeah, it was fun.

3. I went to the fabric store and got some wonderful things and almost everything on my list. Now all I need is to find rainbow colored floss (if you know where I can find it, let me know).

4. I finished a book, watched Sunday's episode of Desperate House Wives, gave my kitty a bath, got my oil changed and cuddled with my cat.

5. I got an email from my cousin.

6. Erin McKeown invited me to be her friend on My Space. I mean, how cool is that? Ok, so I did list her as one of my favorite artists in my music section, so I should not be all that surprised, but still, SHE ASKED TO BE MY FRIEND!! Yeah, that kicks ass.

7. I heard the new version of wake me up when September ends, the one where they are playing tribute to the hurricane victims. Complete with huge monologues by W and snip-its from actual victims.

8. I got an evaluation appointment for a clinical trial study. Yeah, I am going to spend two weekends of my life having my blood taken in exchange for money.

9. I watched tv with my good friends Jonathan and Matt (Matt- I hope I am not offending you) tonight, and while we were watching tv on one channel - yeah, get this - we recorded tv on another and then after our shows were over, we watched tv again thanks to the magics of magnitism and another room.

So, this ends all the greatness that is my life today. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. I hope my boss does not manage to fuck up the greatness that I am feeling in the here and now.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

NOTE: I started this post a way long time ago but then had to stop because by boss came in and I just never finished it. Sorry to all of you. So, here it is in all it datedness.

This past Saturday, I treated Jonathan's parents to a Bulls game. Now, being that I bought the tickets and that they were visiting me in Durham (as opposed to Jonathan in Raleigh) I feel a special need to make sure that they were having a good time. That is why I kicked someone. Let me explain. It was a packed game. The highest attendance game in history I believe, and we had shitty seats. Back row of the outfield, right next to the kid playing area. (noisy, let me tell you) When we arrived at our seats, people were sitting in them. I was all like, excuse me, you are in our seats. So they moved. So we watch the game as best we could with the sun in our eyes (and me feeling all guilty because I did not tell them to bring sunglasses or hats or whatnot because I did not know it would be that way). So, we decided that it was time to get something to eat, and when we got back to our seats, there were other people in them. I was pissed, I mean, they were sucky seats, and if you were stupid enough to buy standing room only seats, well, stand up. So, I walk as fast as I can to those people and I said, "You are in our seats" but they did not hear me (too busy with their beers and their talking) so I repeated myself and then I went in for the kick (you know, to get their attention) and it worked, only I caught his attention before I actually made foot to shin contact. So they moved, and I gave them all the evil eye. And that is the story of how I kicked someone (almost) at the DBAP.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Warning: This post is rated G for gross. You read this post at your own risk. Those that have an idealized view of women should take extra caution in proceeding any further.

This morning, I woke up and realized that I have been having this dream for several night. What dream you might ask? Well, I am about to tell you if you just hold your horses. Anyway, back to my story. As you all should know, I have been working out at the gym and those kind of thought have been weighing large on my mind. So, when I woke up this morning, and went to wash my face, I thought, "Hey, I remember looking at myself and having no cellulite on my ass and upper thigh." And then I thought "well, that was surely a dream." But then I argued with myself, "no, I have seen myself like this before, I must have lost all my cellulite." So I looked at myself in the mirror and what do you think was looking back at me? My cellulite. So, I am sorry to say that I have in fact not lost it, but maybe it is looking better? Who knows for sure, but I am heading to the 130s soon enough. In fact, I think that I might be there today. I guess I will see at the gym this afternoon.


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