
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I went to Charlotte to see Body Worlds this past weekend and it was way cool. Some of it was a little much, but I have to say what I loved the most was the serial sections through the body. I never really appreciated how 3-D the human body was before. Thinking about how the hands bend at rest, and the arms too. Getting only fingers or only palms on the sections. It was just too cool.

So, football starts this weekend. I am excited, but I am at a loss as to what to cook. I always start out the season slow, wondering what kind of spread we should make to celebrate the game. I know later on I will be more inspired. Fantastic food spreads will leap to life. But now, the best I have in mind is chili mac. That or pintos with jalepeno/cheddar cornbread. I guess I shall spend some time searching through my recipe books for something more inspired. Something more befitting of such a glorious occasion. Maybe blondies? (and a Dagwood? HaHaHaHa) Ok, I don't like sandwiches bigger than my head, but I am sure I will figure it out.



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