
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My stupid boss. Yeah, that's what I call him. We are having to spend $20K in about a week, or loose it, and it is way harder then it seems. (Grant money is always hard to spend. I mean, why can't we just get a J. Crew gift certificate???) Anyways, so, we are getting all this crap in and don't have anywhere to put it, so the boss-man tells me to clean off this shelf and put things up there. On the shelf there is this answering machine from the 70s. Complete with tape and everything. So, I think this is worthless crap and the following conversation ensues:

me: I was cleaning off the shelf and there was an answering machine, can I throw it away?
boss: No, it is perfectly good answering machine, we should keep it.
me: We actually, we have perfectly good voicemail.
boss: (with a look of incredulity) No, just find a place for it and pack it away, it is a perfectly good machine and we should not get rid of it since it works.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We have these conversations all the time. Me thinking he is stupid, him thinking I am stupid. I think that it is time to look for a new job.



you should steal the tape. maybe there's something cool on the tape. he'll never know.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 AM  

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