
Friday, June 30, 2006

I had this dream. It was really strange.

(yeah Spooky Jon, I am totally stealing this idea from you)

Anyway, back to my dream. You see, I was asleep. But in my dream, I was in a crowd surrounding Britney Spears. And she was upset because she did not know that people were going to be around and she thought she looked bad and all her personal stylist were absent.

(now, here is where I am confused, did Britney really think she looked bad-meaning that she looked absolutely like shit? Or was it just me telling her that she looked bad in my dream, and she just looked like her normal self?)

Anyways, it is not like that is even the point. The point is that while she was lamenting the fact that she looked terrible in public, one of the guys from Queer Eye for the Strait Guy showed up and said that he would fix her hair. So they go to her beach house and then he starts talking about how hard it is to keep up hair extensions and how he knew because he used to have them.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I woke up. So I have no news as to if QEftSG could preform a miracle on Mrs. Spears or if she was destined to live a life similar to the one she is already living.

In other news, and I know this has been said over and over, but on Britney's nude poses in Harper's Bazaar, I just have to say that her air brush person is truely an artist and should win some kind of an award. When I go all out and pose nude on the cover of some magazine, I want them in my corner!!



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