
Sunday, July 31, 2005

This weekend, I went fishing at the lake and caught 3 catfish and 4 sunfish. There was also an elusive scissor fish that cut my line in half and I had to go out in the kayak to rescue my bobber. But it was great fun. I just suck at getting the hook out of the fish's mouth. I guess that comes with practice. I can't wait to go again. What a way to spend the weekend, drinking and fishing and playing cards and eating and fishing and drinking. WooHoo.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The other day at work, while walking to another building, I saw this guy riding a Segway. Now, I know what you are all thinking. Those things are dangerous. People could get killed. It only has two wheels, and they are side by side. Well, don't you worry your pretty little head. He was wearing a bike helmet.

Today, I got new tires for my car. Now I can feel safe about driving again (the tires that I had on it were almost all gone and it was hard to drive in rain). It feels like I have a brand new car. New tires with traction and get this, my car is actually aligned to boot. It is like the thing just steers itself.

I gave money to a homeless guy today. That is just really unlike me. I usually just ignore them. "Don't make eye contact" - that's my motto. Because I usually figure that they are just going to get drunk off the money anyway, so why waste it when I can get drunk? But today, I was caught off guard. And I had reached into my pocket and handed him all my change before I knew what I was doing. I shocked myself. Later, he walked by me (I was sitting waiting for the bus) and said that he was really appreciative and that he was homeless and could not get out of the heat, but that he was sure that I was lucky enough to work inside (must be the same pale complexion that my doctor was talking about) and that I needed to be careful and stay out of the heat and make sure that I stay inside and on and on like that for a while. I thought that it was strange at first, but I guess that he was just trying to take care of an investment that he had going on. Me giving him money, he taking the money. Or maybe that was his way of earning it? I don't know. If you have any other theory's, please let me know.


Friday, July 15, 2005

So, I went to the doctor this week. And he is checking me out, making sure that I am still alive and kicking when he goes to check the pulse in my foot (you know, to make sure that blood is getting there and all) when he looks at my legs and says, (and I quote) "So, I see you have not gone to the beach this summer."

In other news, I have been doing a bit of self reflecting here lately and I have officially decided that I am happy. You know how sometimes you wonder about things and how you might have should have done something different or what not? Well, I have cast those things aside because if it were not for them, I would not be who I am now. And now, I am officially happy.

In other, other news, I have been going to the gym. And I actually love and. And, I sleep less (imagine that, actually waking up in the morning instead of being miserable and tired). I have yoga'd (not my favorite by any means. Curse that downward dog), pilates (we used the big ball and this woopie cushion thing and it was GREAT), swam, and learned how to use the weight machines. One day, I am going to look hot. (but not 20 year old hot, just 30 year old hot) So world, watch out. I am going to be strutting my old hot ass all over. (I hope that did not disturb any of you too much and if it did, well, just remember, I did not ask you to read this.)


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