
Saturday, January 15, 2005

So, while trapped in the study center, waiting for my next blood draw and avoiding thesis work, I thought that I would visit my old blog friends and wish you all a cheery hello.

Things are going well for me. I am working a good job and I am actually working on my thesis and this weekend has gotten me really excited about it and I am kicking myself in the ass for not bringing more papers here so I could write more. But I have all next week to write on it. I also am taking a tap class and I love it. I have only had one class, but it was great, but two bad things came out of it. First, I was reminded how entirely uncoordinated and forgettful I am. We just learned about 8 steps and I had a hard time getting them to always go into sequence together. It was rather annoying and disheartening, but I have practiced since class and I remember most of it and I am good at what I remember. The second bad thing is that I have to look at myself in the mirror for the whole class and my hips are obnoxiously large. I don't know how all you people have let me walk around looking like this. I guess all the extra weight from my fast food diet in grad school and lack of activity have caused way too much ass spread. So, I am going to do something about it. One day. Maybe after I finish my thesis.

So, the study this weekend was not the funnest. First of all, the heater broke and it was freezing cold. And to make matters worse, needles make me nervous and being nervous makes me break out in cold sweats. So, I was all cold and sweaty and cold and that is never fun. Also, the other bad thing is that the first hour of blood draws, I got 6 and then the second hour I got another 4. So that was way alot. But only two more left. HORRAY. (well, at least for this weekend)

And, well, I wish that there was something super exciting to tell you all, but that is all I have. I have a short commute to work so I don't get to hear anything on the radio when I am awake and I also don't get to see anything interesting.

Ahh. But there is the thing that I remeber. I had lunch with a friend from Cogent (my first job out of college). It was kind of cool but kind of strange too. But I guess that I am glad that we had lunch together. All in all, it was a good thing. Also, I almost finished designing all the primers for my project at work. I just have a couple more tests to make sure that they will bind to the DNA and not to each other and correct a couple of the sequences that will not work for that very reason and then I will be all done. I will just have to order them and then the real fun will begin. And I am sorry if all this means nothing to you. I don't mean to bore you. It really is exciting. I will tell you more about it one day over a beer and in person. Also, here is a good general warning. Don't put a beer in the freezer to get cold extra fast and then forget to drink it. Because it just makes a big mess that you have to clean up but can't because you have to go to a research study and the you know that it will be waiting on you when you get home because you were spending quality time with the kitty instead of cleaning so you could leave not feeling guilty.

The End.

(For real)



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