
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Do you want to know what I hate? Cleaning up other people's trash. Sunday was a bitch and let me tell you, crime sure does not pay. I mean, I don't think I ever truly appreciated what that meant until now. So, take it from me and stay away from crime.

And the stuff that people leave on the highway, it is crazy. You have your run of the mill fast food bags and cups. Then there is the tread from the 18 wheelers. And you get the kleenex's and paper towels. Then there are the baby diapers. And boy, there was one really ripe one. Parents need to keep that crap to themselves. And then there were the strange things. A single shoe or a sock. There was even a pair of underwear and some lingerie. I found a nice ring, but then my finger turned green so I decided that it was not so nice after all. An then there was the toupee. I just imagine the poor old man in his mid-life crisis convertible cruising down the road an then, wham, the gust of wind catching his hair and flinging it away while his too-young-hottie girlfriend squeals out in disgust. And then there was a Persian carpet. I wanted it to be a magic carpet and whisk me out of there, but it did not work. At least not for me. So I piled it up with the other crap.

Tomorrow, I go to A&T to help collect samples from patients in the field. And today I called about a study. It involves using a Nicotine patch and it pays $240. It sounds like a good deal to me. Much better than the $20 we pay our participants.

So, I must bid farewell to you. The election results await me. (or the boring droning of the news anchors await me.)



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