
Monday, October 11, 2004

Oh Blog Reader, when will you come and rescue me from the mess that is my unpacked house? I am tired of unpacking, and I refuse to do it anymore. Well, at least not today. I have DSL finally, but it is still not hooked up. I will work on that tonight (at least I think that I will).

I feel like there should be something for me to say. Something funny, amusing, or down right enjoyable, but really, dear friend (I hope you don't mind me calling you friend), there is no such thing that has gone on in my life that I can really talk about.

Well, one incident does pop into my mind. While having dinner on Friday night with a gal from school, she caught me up on all the gossip. One of the girls in our department put and anti-Bush poster on her door. The next day, it was gone. She found it in the trash and put it back up. After that night, it was gone again, this time ripped up in the trash. So, she taped it up and put it back on her door where it once again became missing, this time permanently. Being the crafty grad students that the people in my department are, they had put a video camera on the poster to see what might happen the second night. They recorded the building's security guard defacing the poster. Kind of makes me feel safe knowing I was in the building with him until 2am some nights.

And that is really all I know to tell you. So adios mi amigos y amigas.



Do you think maybe he's removing it b/c it's politically "suggestive?" We are not supposed to even TALK about politics at our university. Any pro or anti party materials are removed asap. (except for in "designated flyer areas")

Maybe you should leave him a Kerry poster in his mailbox or something :)

By Blogger Unknown, at 2:39 PM  

Maybe the poster was haunted.

By Blogger spookyjon and superrandu, at 5:22 PM  

well, I agree that it was a stupid poster to put up, but her boss's office was right next door so if it was not cool, he would have told her. And if the security guard was insulted, he should have told someone, not take matters into his own hand.

By Blogger Sallie, at 12:05 PM  

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