
Friday, September 17, 2004

Last night, I met a guy. Well, I did not really meet him so much as I just saw him. Our eyes locked and then he gave me a sign. A sideways peace sign to be exact. Maybe one day I will see him again so I can figure out what he exactly was trying to say to me.

I got a job offer. I am kind of excited, but kind of nervous too. I don't know how well it pays yet, so I can't know how much I can spend on rent each month which sucks. Because if I take the job, I will have to move soon, which means that I really need to start looking soon. I guess that everything will work out though. In its own time.

Today, I am going to get the pottery that I made. You see, I made pottery one day in my mom's pottery class. And she glazed it for me and will be delivering it to me sometime this afternoon. I will let you know how it looks. But I am sure it will be GREAT (because I made it.)

Also, here is a sad thing in my life. My finger hurts. A lot. I mean, it is hard to type it hurts so much. And I think it is because of the rat bite I got over 2 years ago. (This happened one other time since the bite and the doctor had to give me special medicine to make the pain go away.) So, I guess I am destined to have a hurt finger. So, if you see me flipping you off, it is not because I hate you, it is just because it hurts too much to bend that finger.



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