
Friday, August 20, 2004

I think that we can all agree. Today is a hot day in North Carolina. But the problem is this. I am freezing. The AC is turned up to the max in my office and even a 45 minute long stint of outdoors in the sun did not warm me up enough to make me appreciate the AC. It is just a sad, sad thing. Being cold. It makes it hard to work. It makes me want to cuddle up. And I am tired, what with only 5 hours of sleep last night. I mean, I need more than that. How can the world expect me to be at my best when my physiological requirements are not met?

This morning for breakfast, I had cream cheese with a bagel on it. You would think that there was a large vat of reproducing cream cheese in the back of the bagel shop and if it (the reproducing cream cheese) managed to touch the floor, it would die and the bagel shop would be out of cream cheese forever. So give a lot of it away so it will never reproduce so much that it will spill out and touch the floor. (Well, I thought you would get it without that last sentence but, then again, I was not sure that the analogy made any sense in the first place and I did not want you to go away confused.)

Today is the day for not going to work tomorrow. And I am excited about that. And I am going to get to see my friend from high school. It is going to be much fun. So be excited for me because I will have to start working again on Sunday. One day weekends really are a bitch.



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