
Friday, August 13, 2004

Annoying: (Read the following excerpt from my life to get a picture of what annoying is)

This scene takes place in my bedroom, shortly after waking up and not having seen my grandmother (who I live with) for about 3 weeks:

Me: Good Morning
Her: Hi, I am Granny. Pleased to meet you.
Me: Good Morning?
Her: It's been a while since we've seen each other you know?
Me: Oh.
Her: So, how was California
Me: Good
Her: How is your research?
Me: Ok. I have had some problems, but I have gotten some things to work as well
Her: So, are you feeling discouraged about your research?

All I have to say is thanks for the reminder. I totally forgot that I was discouraged, pissed and all around depressed. That is exactly what I need first thing in the morning every morning. Thanks for putting me in my place.



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