Friday, July 23, 2004
When leaving Michigan, I was driven to the airport by a chauffeur. He was one interesting fellow. He seemed to like to talk about politics so, I let him. He talked about Bush and Kerry and how Michigan was a major swing state in the up and coming election. And then, he told me about this thing that he just decided. He made it seem like a major life decision. He said he was sitting watching TV and then came up with this big idea. He decided that he was never going to eat Heinz ketchup again. Why you might ask? Well, he said that he was never going to support Kerry and his wife again. Then he continued to ponder the ketchup question, "What kind of ketchup I buy next time? Hunts? Del Monte?" It was quite a conversation. But since I don't eat ketchup, I don't have an opinion. But for those of you that do, you should make your ketchup choices match your political opinions. Choose the Bush Ketchup or the Kerry Ketchup. Make your voice heard across America.
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