
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Why I am a dumb blond. An essay by me.

First of all, in order to qualify myself as a dumb blond, I need to be a blond. So, I indeed have blond hair and it is also all natural.

Now for the dumb part. As a child, I was always reading the sign, "No trucks 2 axles or more in left lane." I was not sure what an axle was but I always imagined that it was a tail pipe. Or something to go with the exhaust system. Even as an adult, I still thought that way. Or rather, I did not think, I just accepted my childhood ways. Finally, while in graduate school, I started thinking about it for some reason and then it just hit me what an axle really was. Not that I did not already know, but I did not connect the real axle definition with the axle definition I made up based on the signs as a child. Now, I wish I could say I was a child genius and I was quite young while in graduate school. But alas, that is not the case. So, this is why I qualify to be a dumb blond.



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