
Monday, June 28, 2004

The other day, my grandmother and I went to Wal-Mart to gather up all the stuff I needed for Japan. While we were out she asked me, so, would you like to go home and get your car and then go to Sams and fill it up with cheap gas? And I thought, why would I need to do that, it is not like I am driving to Japan. And I totally know that is not what she meant, but that was all I could think about, driving to Japan. And in my mind, when I reached the California coast, my car turned into a plane and I flew the rest of the way. Which brings up the question, why didn't I fly all the way from North Carolina? Did I really need to drive to California first? I guess my imagination is not the most sophisticated of imaginations and so, I am stuck driving to California.

Last night, I did the most horrible thing ever. I watched one of those news shows about an airplane crash. For the entire hour. And the worst part is that the air carrier they were talking about is the same one I am taking to Japan. I hope that I can remain calm on Wednesday.

So the moral of this story is two fold:
1- if you have a flying car, don't drive it, fly it
2- don't watch or read about airplane crashes just before traveling.

And that is all the wisdom currently available from the annals of Sallie's brain.



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