
Sunday, June 27, 2004

And the stupidest commercial award goes to:

Oral-B Brush-Ups.

In case you missed the genius that is not the brush up commercial, then I will recap it for you. Imagine that you are in a subway station, say in New York City. And all these people start chanting, "Rip, Slip, Brush, Ahh." And during this process, they all simultaneously open up the package, slip this thing onto their finger and then start brushing their teeth (all the while dancing in some choreographed monstrosity), right there in the subway station. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to see that. I mean, toothpicks are bad enough but now I am going to have to start watching people stick their hands in their mouth in the name of oral hygiene? It is all a bit too much for me to handle. And I would like to think that no one in their right mind would just bust one out on the subway. I mean, save that for the privacy of your office or home or what ever. Please!?!

In other news, the Pepto Bismol commercial that touts the gastrointestinal problems as a macarena like dance suddenly is not quite so stupid. (Although if I ever hear anyone singing "Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea, Yay Pepto Bismol", well, I think that I will punch them. So watch out, and that includes you too Jonthan. Yeah, you think you are funny, but you're not.)



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