
Thursday, May 06, 2004

Today is the 50th anniversary of the first four minute mile. So in honor of this momentous occasion, I decided to try to do the same. Well, not exactly the same. It does involve four minutes, but there is no mile and there is no running. Actually, it has to do with a video game. I am a bit embarrassed to tell you what the game is, but remember, I am a science nerd that loves order and games that involve things like that. Like tetris, I could play that game for hours and hours on end. So, the game is, Dynomite. And there is a level where you have to clear the board of all the eggs (making color combinations) and until today, I have never been able to do it in under 4 minutes. Well today, I shattered that record. Doing it in 3:18. I mean, you can't beat that. But I tried. And I never came close. Yes, I beat the 4 minute mark two more times, but I was still 35 seconds away from the best. But I promise to try to beat that for you blog reader. I will do it for you. And when it asks me for my name, I will lie and say, Blog Reader instead of my own. Yes, I will give you the credit. Because I love you that much. Oh yes I do.

About love though. I know that I said that I love you all, but that does not mean that I love you all equally. I mean, what if I did not even know that you were a reader? I mean, how could I love you then? So, I am sending out a bit of love to everyone in the universe, and a bit more to the people I know, and even more to my friends. So there. You can categorize yourself however you want. And just know, there is love for you (but not in the hippie, free love kind of way).



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