
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

My life. By Geoffrey Giraffe.

My life started out like everyone else's. I was a single egg, then I was a fertilized egg then I was a embryo, a baby, an adolescent, and now I am an adult.

They always said it would happen, that I would become an adult, but I did not believe it. I mean, I have been singing the "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys-R-Us kid" song my whole life. Why a loving God would do this do me, I don't know. Can't biology stop for me?

Thank goodness, Toys-R-Us is rearranging their campaign around me. I am getting to play more responsible roles on the TV, such as a stocker or a delivery man. And thank goodness they let me wear a hat. I am starting to thin a bit on top and go gray. Also, I have to say a special thanks to Botox. If it were not for you, my wrinkles would show, I mean, who wants to shop where a wrinkly old giraffe shops? I just hope they to not trade me in for a newer, younger model. You know, like NPR did to Bob Edwards.



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