
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Yesterday was Monday, yet I spent the day thinking it was Tuesday all day long. And then when Scrubs did not come on, I was sad. But now I know that today is Tuesday. I did my taxes today. And now I just need to mail them. I've got until Thursday, so there is no need to rush. In total, I am going to get 27 dollars back. That is a sweet deal. Well, not really. What can you really do with $27? I mean as far as big adventures go and all. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And now that I have waited so long to do my taxes, it will be even longer for that sweet refund to reach my pocket.

I have reacquainted myself with my lost love, quiche. I made one last night, after a year hiatus, and it was really good. It was stuffed full of the greatest things: feta cheese, roasted red pepper, onions, tomatoes and spinach. It made a yummy dinner last night and a good breakfast this morning. Home cooked food is so good, it makes me wonder why I waste so much of my time and money at restaurants. I guess that it all comes down to laziness and instant gratification. Oh American culture, why have you conditioned me to be this way? One day I will break free from your grasp.

I think that I will order a pizza for dinner tonight.



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