
Thursday, April 15, 2004

Today at 4:30, in true procrastination form, I mailed my taxes. While I was there, I saw a protestor. He was standing inside a little coned off area holding his sign. His sign exclaimed: "Taxes Suck. Honk If You Hate Taxes." On the reverse side of the sign, as an answer to all that ails the world, was a simple phrase, "Vote Libertarian". I walked into the post office thinking, what a waste of a day, but at least he gets to be outside. As I was leaving, there was an old man in an old person's car (you know the kind, a Crown Victoria or a Buick) with his window rolled down questioning the protestor. The protestor looked very uncomfortable. I imagine that the conversation went like this:

Old Man: So, you don't like to pay taxes?
Protestor: No, I don't.
Old Man: Do you realize that tax dollars paid for you to go to school?
Protestor: Well, yes.
Old Man: And tax dollars pay for the streets that you drive on.
Protestor: Um, well.
Old Man: So why is that bad?
Protestor: Hum. Um, I don't know.
Old Man: Come with me, I will make a Republican out of you yet. And if you get rich, the Republican party will make sure you never have to pay taxes again.



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