Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Someone got to my site by searching for Xenopus Frogs. Now, I know, that is not all that exciting nor is it surprising. The thing is, I did the same search to see where I came up on the list and this is the surprising part. I came up before Xenopus Express. The company that I ordered my frogs from. (But that was for research. You can't just go there and get one for your own personal use, at least I don't think that you can) I just think that is ironic. That something like this can come before something that is actually useful. Well, I am just glad that you took the time to read this and then become disappointed. Oh, and I still don't have a digital camera, so no pictures of my frogs for you. And besides, I really do need to clean out their cage, and well, I have not done that yet. So even if I did have a camera, I would be embarrassed to use it right now on my frogs.
On other news, I still have not found the Power Joy for those of you who were interested. But I did find this. I thought that you might like it. Now, I am not making any claims about its greatness, because I don't own it. But I thought that you might still want to know about its existence.
On other news, I still have not found the Power Joy for those of you who were interested. But I did find this. I thought that you might like it. Now, I am not making any claims about its greatness, because I don't own it. But I thought that you might still want to know about its existence.
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