
Monday, April 05, 2004

I am the meanest person in the world. Today, I told two of my students that they have to rewrite their papers because they were plagiarizing. They were not really plagiarizing, but they are roommates and their papers were really similar and well, I just don't know which one was primarily doing the thinking. I feel so mean for doing this do them, making them rewrite the papers and all, but well, that is my job. I also told one student that I was not going to grade her paper at all. They turned in a 5 page paper and we tell them that 3 pages is their limit. I am not going to spend my time reading all that extra crap. So I said I was just not going to grade it. I don't feel all that bad about that one. I just hate that it took me so long to tell them that. I mean, I have had their papers for a week and a half now, and well, I guess that I am very good at avoidance.

So, here is another great thought from one of my students. Putting a syringe into a frog's leg is like putting a baseball bat into a humans leg. Yeah. That is exactly the same scale. I don't know about you, but if you put a baseball bat into my leg, well, that would take up over half of my leg space. A syringe is just not that big in comparison to a frog's leg.

Oh, and I bet that the person that can't use a syringe also can't use a baseball bat. What do you want to bet? It kind of makes me wonder about the syringe person. I mean, a syringe is not really all that complicated. Do you think that they can use a stove? A knife? How about a saw? Or here is a scary one, a chain saw. Ok. Enough of this meanness. I have already been enough of a jerk for the day, I really don't need to keep adding to my resume.



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