
Friday, April 09, 2004

Dearest Blog Reader:

As you are all aware, we only have a limited amount of time alive on this earth and so, I am afraid that one day you are going to wake up and wonder: Why do I waste my time reading this thing? So I am here to make it worth your time. Life teaches us things and I have decided that whenever I learn anything from life, I am going to share it with you. That is my gift to you. I am going to give you the benefit of my experiences so that you learn from me and are then able to live a more fulfilling life. So here it goes.

Lesson one. Whiskey can act as a cough suppressant in a pinch.

Lesson two. Bathroom cups are quite a bit larger than shot glasses.

Lesson three. When drinking to suppress a cough, it still can make you drunk. So taking an additional "dose" is not recommended. Especially when your doses are quite large to begin with.

Lesson four. Coughing and hangovers do not go well together. This is ripe breeding ground for major headaches.

Ok. That about sums it up for me. I hope that you enjoyed these lessons from the life of Sallie. More to come later so keep it tuned right here.



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