
Thursday, March 25, 2004

You know those people in the world? The ones that have their shit together? And when there is a project due, they get done way in advance? Well, those people make me sick. Why do they have to be so perfect? And then, why do they have to flaunt their perfection everywhere? It is like, they are all up in your face with their perfection, showing you- "Hey, I am better than you." What is that about? Well, I find it annoying because I am a procrastinator. I have to present a poster at the Graduate Research Day session tomorrow. And, well, I have to have it totally finished by 5pm. And I just finished the first draft at 2:30. And I did not actually write anything for it until this morning. Boy, I am definitely a slacker. Good thing my boss just likes to fix and correct things rather than making comments and making me figure out what is wrong with it all.

So, I was talking to the computer guy, Jeff, who is also the guy who is going to print out my poster, and I was telling him that I might get it to him late. And I said it was because I am a wait until the last minute kind of person. And he actually congratulated me on that. And I was like WOW. What is that all about? And he said, at least I know that about myself, and I don't waste time doing things early and just wait until the end. And I was like, I have never thought about it that way. So, here's the thing, I am better than those seemingly perfect people. I know that I am a procrastinator and I so order my life and I take the time to have fun instead of doing my work. So that means that I am the BEST. And if you are procrastinator, you are the best too. Now don't you feel special?



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