
Sunday, March 07, 2004

I went home this week and on the way home, I got honked at by a guy driving a tractor trailer. At first I was scared, I thought that I was invading his personal space or something, but then, I got in front of him, and he was waving at me like a crazy man. I thought, oh, that might be my uncle, but after trying to call him, and finding out that he was not at work yet, I came to the conclusion that it was not him after all. So that makes me wonder, what did the tractor trailer guy want? You may think it was just a case of mistaken identity, but I think that it was more than that. Maybe he read my vanity plate and was waving at me saying, "I am a Campbell Alumni too." Or maybe he was thinking, "Damn, you are hot." Or maybe it was more like, "I have that same car at home. We should start a club." Well, what ever he was thinking, it will remain a mystery, but I think that I have a new friend in life. I hope to see him again soon, Mr. Tractor trailer guy.



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