
Monday, March 01, 2004

I am a horrible person. Just wait until I tell you what it is that I did and you too will agree that I am a horrible person. So, I went to the grocery store this weekend (that was not the horrible part) to buy some almond butter. And it was $6.99/pound. I thought this was a bit expensive since the peanut butter was only $2.99/pound. But, I was craving it (ever since I fell in love with it) so I thought it was worth it. So here is where the horrible part comes in. I was checking out and I was thinking, "I hope that she rings it up as peanut butter, I hope she rings it up as peanut butter" and then she asked me what it was and I said peanut butter. Because I was chanting that mantra in my head over and over, I had almost convinced myself that I had actually gotten peanut butter instead of almond butter. And then she rang it up and I thought, "Man, that was cheaper than I thought it would be." And then I realized what I had done. I had lied to her. But I did not correct the mistake either. I just paid my bill and got the hell out of there. Which brings up a point. I am probably going to go to hell. Not only did I steal and deceive someone falsely, I did it during Lent. I think I made Baby Jesus cry.



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