
Friday, March 05, 2004

Hi all, check out what Sallie had to say to me. She is such an asshole jerk. Read it and laugh. I will never listen to her (but don't let her know that, I don't think that I could stand getting another letter like this. Talk about annoying and petty.)

Dearest Blog-
I am under the impression that you are convincing people that everything I say here is true. And that is just not true. Blog, I know that you like to lie, but this is my life you are talking about. Blog, you know that I did not see naked people at the circus. That was something that my friend Trish saw and told me about and then I told you. You did not need to go and make that an experience that I personally had. And Blog, the story about the Almond butter/Peanut butter were I told a lie to the cashier, well, you know that was a lie too. While I did buy almond butter for the peanut butter price, I was never asked what it contained. My chanting mantra in my head went more like this: "Please don't ask me what it is. Please ring it up as peanut butter." And my wish came true. So, I did feel kind of bad for not correcting her, but then again, I figure that she was the one doing the actual stealing, not me. She is the one that should have asked, but did not and in effect, her mistake cost the store money, not mine. So she is the real thief in this case and I, the innocent bystander. Now Blog. I do not think that you should misrepresent me so much. And if you are going to continue to do this, well, at least let the readers know that it is a lie. Thank you so much Blog for understanding.

Your Dearest Friend,



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