
Monday, February 23, 2004

My new passion, Almond butter. It is super creamy and tasty but not over powering, like fresh peanut butter can be. I had an almond butter and banana sandwich this weekend (sans bread) and it was so good. My addiction grew greater because of this experience and I have been thinking about it ever since. Even in my dreams. So, I went to go to Whole Foods this morning to get some for me to eat with lunch, and there was not any. It was heart breaking. I was so excited about going there, and getting some almond butter, but the almond butter grinder was empty. It was just a sad moment for me. It kind of makes me wonder, if there is not fresh almond butter in the world, is life really worth living? Well, maybe for you but I kind of have to question it. I just hope to get a chance to go by there again soon and give them a chance to redeem themselves. Whole Foods, don't let me down. My every happiness rests in your hands.



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