
Friday, January 30, 2004

The following story is one of interest to me and I believe that it should be of interest to you as well. If you are interested in reading the original scientific article, click here. Otherwise, the condensed version is below.

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that a woman who conceived three sons with her husband was biologically unrelated to two of them. Doctors posited that the woman herself was part of an nonidentical-twin pair that fused at an early stage of her mother's pregnancy and that only her blood cells are hers, alone, while cells from her eggs and other tissues may have come from her sister's fetus.

Why this article says it is a recent study, I don't know. The original article was published in May 2002 which means the study was older than that. Why Americans have to lie and stretch the truth to make something already interesting seem interesting I will never know. Boy, we really like everything to be a show don't we?

Well, enough of avoiding work. While I wish that I could sleep, alas, I must work now, so I can get finished, so I can go home, so I can sleep, so I can go to Raleigh, so I can hang out with my friends and finally relax.



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